Thank you, Dear Reader, for your good company around these pages.
May your Christmas be Merry and your New Year be Bright.
Pipistrello x
Image credit: via Tumblr
One minute I'm crowing confidently about my rôle as resident barber about the casa.
The next, Dear Reader ... I'm sacked.
In truth, I did look dubiously at the electric clippers and thought it must have been ages since I'd wielded them as they looked, well, a bit unfamiliar in my hand.
For well they might when the 1/4 inch clipper guard wasn't in place.
It only took a goodly swipe up the back of Mr. P's head to realise my mistake.
Your Correspondent is now married to Yul Brynner.
Or Patrick Stewart.
I cannot decide.
Either way, I'm secretly pleased :)
Image credits: 1: via Pinterest; 2, 3: via Google
Channel-billed Cuckoo Hatching a Parasitic Plot H. Goodchild lithograph, 1919 |
Aristophanes Plotting more Plots |
Warning Sign of Summer |
The Australian Magpie - Favourite Bird Around These Parts L. Weiss mosaic, 2017 |
Birds Mobbing the Stage at the University of Cambridge H. G. Glindoni etching, 1883 |
Image credits: 1: Antique Print & Map Room; 2: Wikimedia Commons; 3, 4: Flying With Hands; 5: Wikimedia Commons