Friday, 24 December 2021

Merry Christmas!


Thank you, Dear Reader, for your good company around these pages.

May your Christmas be Merry and your New Year be Bright.

Pipistrello x

Image credit: via Tumblr


  1. Merry, merry Christmas to you and yours Pip ……. Wishing you a wonderful time and a very Happy 2022..XXXX

  2. Happy Christmas to you and Mr. Pip, and let's hope that it turns out that the year 2022 is far brighter.

  3. Thank you Pip and I hope we all have a better 2022 but I will believe it when I see it! Happy Christmas!

  4. Wishing you all the best for a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. Hope 2022 will kick Covid in the butt once and for all.

  5. Merriness and brightness upon you and those around you, Lady Pipistrello.

  6. Wishing us all a peaceful, healthy and safe new year. No women slaughtered by men in Afghanistan, no children starved to death in Ethiopia, no guns in the USA and a proper end to Covid variations for all of us.

  7. Wishing you all the best for a very Happy Christmas. I enjoy your blog and appreciate all that you share. Enjoy. Susan

  8. Thank you Pip. This is our last day of calm, tomorrow the tsunami, then back to calm again. Enjoy your tsunami, as we shall enjoy ours. xx

  9. Dear Pipistrello, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    The following lines are from a poem of Hermann Hesse, Steps:

    And every beginning embraces a spell,
    Which protects us and helps us to live.

    I wish all protection and spell for you, dear Pip! Britta

    Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne, Der uns beschützt und der uns hilft zu leben.
    Wir wollen heiter Raum um Raum durchschreiten, An keinem wie an einer Heimat hängen,

    Der Weltgeist will nicht fesseln uns und engen, Er will uns Stuf' um Stufe heben, weiten. Kaum sind wir heimisch einem Lebenskreise Und traulich eingewohnt, so droht Erschlaffen, Nur wer bereit zu Aufbruch ist und Reise,
    Mag lähmender Gewöhnung sich entraffen.
    Es wird vielleicht auch noch die Todesstunde
    Uns neuen Räumen jung entgegensenden,
    Des Lebens Ruf an uns wird niemals enden... Wohlan denn, Herz, nimm Abschied und gesunde !

    1. And here for those who happen to not speak, think and understand German fluently a very humble translation***.

      Like ev'ry flower wilts, like youth is fading
      and turns to age, so also one's achieving:
      Each virtue and each wisdom needs parading
      in one's own time, and must not last forever.
      The heart must be, at each new call for leaving,
      prepared to part and start without the tragic,
      without the grief - with courage to endeavor
      a novel bond, a disparate connection:
      for each beginning bears a special magic
      that nurtures living and bestows protection.

      We'll walk from space to space in glad progression
      and should not cling to one as homestead for us.
      The cosmic spirit will not bind nor bore us;
      it lifts and widens us in ev'ry session:
      for hardly set in one of life's expanses
      we make it home, and apathy commences.
      But only he, who travels and takes chances,
      can break the habits' paralyzing stances.

      It even may be that the last of hours
      will make us once again a youthful lover:
      The call of life to us forever flowers...
      Anon, my heart! Do part and do recover!

      *** The best thing on translation was said by Cervantes: translation is the other side of a tapestry. [Leonardo Sciascia]

  10. Hello Pipistrello, I hope you and your family have a great holiday season. Incidentally, those Scotties look like they started out life as vintage Halloween cats, but the artist changed them for Christmas at the last minute!

  11. A very happy christmas greetings from me as well !

  12. Debbie (via email):

    It may be due to my preoccupied mind (our daughter is being proposed to on Christmas Eve at our home, and yes, we adore him : ) but I could not seem to comment on your sweet post to wish the same back to you. So sending this dispatch of Christmas cheer... looking forward to receiving more missives in 2022 from Flying With Hands, which are always merry and bright!!

  13. La Contessa (via email):



    LOVE TO YOU BE WELL.............XOXOX

  14. Eva (via email):

    Dearest Pipistrello,

    Wishing you and Mr P a Merry Christmas. Image taken at Brunetti’s in Carlton. Italians know how to celebrate in style!

    Best wishes for 2022

    [Sorry, dear Eva, I could not work out how to include your gorgeous photo of the gingerbread model railway! ... Must try harder, haha!]

  15. Dear All,

    Thank you for your wonderful Festive Salutations in the Comments Department, it is a joy to read them.

    A very special thanks must go to my bravi tedeschi, Britta & Sean, for their superlative contribution & enriching our lives thusly!

    Pipistrello x


Thank you for commenting, it is greatly appreciated.

It can be a challenge to persist in the matching up of street signs and other exciting pastimes this comment feature may send your way, so if it gets too annoying, feel free to email your comment to me at pipistrello (at) flyingwithhands (dot) com and I'll post it for you.

Bats In The Belfry