Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Rust(ic) Scenes

The past couple of weeks we've had a bit of to-ing and fro-ing. Some out-of-town variety has lent spice to the season, it being the time for we Pisceans to have their moment. We've enjoyed both a lovely coastal visit to stay with family (prawns and oysters, tick!), and then took the train for a rather more agricultural visit to the Southern Tablelands property of friends, the Country Mice, our part-time neighbours in the condominio. We were truly entertained in style! But for a hint of the flavour of life on the land, behold some rust(ic) scenes.

Can you guess what this bit of machinery might be?

Flaunting its rusted patented wizardry as farm scuplture ...

A rotating tea blending drum!

A typical ruined farmhouse as seen on properties all over this wide, brown land

Cocksfoot grass and hawthorns in berry

Hello girls!

Cobwebs galore

Busy busy Saturday morning in the main street

Image credits: Flying With Hands


  1. Sublime photography but couldn’t stop laughing. Very slowly and quietly like your pics

  2. I wish our street was as noisy as your "busy busy Saturday morning in the main street" :) I don't mind the main highways being only one k away from my bedroom window, chockablock with busy shops and tram lines. But your main street has only 3 cars on it! Perfect!

    1. Dear Hels, tumbleweeds would have been the icing for the pic! In the lovely town's defence, it was having its annual agricultural show that weekend so all the action was at the showground :)

  3. So you had your birthday, thus I send you my best wishes and congratulations!

    (No, I am not very fit in astrology, nor, sadly, in astronomy - but my DiL and the Flying Dutchman are Pisces - normally I am surrounded by Virgins (in a cluster - the triplets, my mother and many friends - evidently I can't keep away Far from the Madding Crowd :-), Cancer (husband) and Capricorns and one Libra (my son).

    Your photos: hilarious! But the last one you muddled up with a photo of our rural scene here, and ho: why didn't you just popped in for a tea and a Happy-Birthday-Song?

    1. Thank you, dear Britta, and if only I knew you were around the corner! Drats! We did instead have tea in the beer garden of the charming hotel where we popped in for a fresh loaf of bread and some greens sold on the porch by a retired lawyer.

      Funny you should mention it, Mr P is reading Mr Hardy's FFTMC as we speak!

  4. Hello Pipistrello, You Australians are amateurs, having to use regular iron to get rust photos. In Taiwan we specialize in rusted stainless steel. The lure of agricultural junk can be irresistible. In America I tell myself that I simply have no room for it, but occasionally succumb nevertheless. Oh, for barns and acreage! Did you try some of the haws? They can be quite good, but usually vary from tree to tree. --Jim

    1. Oh, dear Jim, the mind boggles at such Taiwanese ingenuity! And there I was thinking it was all high-tech gizmos you were so rightly fabled for.

      Barns and acreage? My mind immediately turns to spiders-and-snakes, hahah! No, I didn't even think to try the haws, and not just because we're carb-free these days; I didn't realise they were edible. Red usually means danger!

  5. Such lovely photos. Sometimes rust looks ugly but on these they provide a dignity of endurance.

    1. Thank you, dear Urspo, and that's a rather dignified observation!

  6. Birthday, signora Pipistrello? Maybe even on the same day as Michelangelo? All the best for your next sun-orbit. May neither your bones nor your brain ever get rusty.

    1. Thank you, dear Sean, and that's a wish for all of us! And close, but no banana guessing the day; your correspondent was born on the 2nd.


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Bats In The Belfry