Saturday, 25 August 2018

Aug 24: Happy Wayzgoose Day!

Wayzgoose Feast

According to my Brother, a former Academic and prolific publisher, my scribblings around these parts constitute Self-Publishing. Thusly, I feel that the Pipistrello household is quite entitled to celebrate Wayzgoose Day, (the day for printmakers to get an outing and a dinner at the master's expense), with a bit of feasting and merry-making and a holiday from our labours.

Traditionally, the day marked the end of summer and the transition to working by candlelight, but of course things are back-to-front here in the Antipodes, however the 24th of August is still Saint Batholomew's feast day, the patron saint of bookbinders.

As the Master Printer of my blog, I prepared the following schedule of festivities: Firstly, no lurking about on the blogosphere (as tools were supposed to be downed), then Mr Pipistrello was left with an appetising platter of nibbles (hummus and olives) while I went off to engage in some callisthenics (the official Outing), and finally, back home for an elegant repast of reheated leftovers and a bottle of Châteauneuf-du-Pape in front of the telly where we mightily enjoyed an old episode of Poirot. Fin.


  1. That's a good sized table.
    We have been watching the ever repeating episodes of Endeavour and Lewis.

    1. Hello potty and welcome!

      As I like my Crime light and preferably with a touch of Vintage Styling, Endeavour has been very well received in this household. Lewis and Morse also get onto the playlist, although you would think by now that the shockingly high murder rate in the fair city of Oxford would deter anyone from going to Uni there.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  2. What is about a HEAD on the TAVOLA that is so un-appetizing!

    1. Nose to tail eating, Contessa! Just don't let Banksy know about it ... xx


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Bats In The Belfry