Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Greek Series: Working With Animals

The goatherd's friendly donkey, always up for a pat

Greeting the goatherd's arrival each day

Donkey poo festoons dozens of this variety of shrub ... and nowhere else!

Goats galore!

Goats loving the improved view atop our karotsi dump

When the diggers are away the goats do play!

Federico & his little legs need lots of rest

Federico & Pipistrello prints


  1. I adore donkeys. They are my father's favorite animal. I recall stories he relayed of him being kicked in the mouth by one as a young lad (I guess he was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time!). All he could eat for a month was soft, cooling watermelon. For his birthday a few years ago, I gave him a book which showed photographs of all the various donkey varieties from across the globed. Who knew there was so much variety, enough to fill a book!

    1. Goodness! And love is still in the air after that rude shock ... This fellow was so gorgeous and loved company. I asked the elderly goatherd what his name was, in what I thought was my best Greek, and he replied loudly and slowly "gaitharos", which is "donkey" in Greek. Either he misunderstood my question or is just completely unimaginative!

      Thank you, again, for visiting these pages!

  2. OH I would have loved to have been there with YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Bats In The Belfry