Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Dennis To The Rescue

Feast your eyes, Dear Reader, on the Fire Engine Mr. P did stumble upon whilst perambulating  recently. It's a restored and privately-owned Dennis Ace from 1938. English-made to order and a regular fixture in Australian country towns, most especially, up until the 1960s despite fire engines becoming fully enclosed in England from the 30s. We're a bit slow to catch on here, it would appear.

Not very dissimilar to 1934 models, so far as I can see, which was what I first thought it was (I did check for you as I know you are oh, so curious). Noisy when the pump was under operation, so directions were sometimes issued with whistles, and dangerous for the seated fireman when racing off to the rescue. But terribly cute, nonetheless. And probably made for an exhilarating ride. 

A few bits and bobs intact on this one and some modern-ish seat belts espied, but very nicely polished and evidently someone's pride and joy. And a sight to gladden the eye for any in need of rescue.

Antonia Yeoman Punch cartoon, 1951

Image Credits: Flying With Hands


  1. Lovely. And reading this plus perusing your recent posts, some for the 2nd time, reminds me that you have a fine way with words.

  2. When my boys were young, they were very clear they wanted to be firemen. Not ambulance drivers and not policemen, both of whom who had sirens and uniforms. But fire trucks were bright red, large and you could see much more of the team.

  3. Andrew: How very kind you are, thank you! And I did think your poem today very fine, too.

    Hels: Oh, yes, firemen have a better uniform, too. We are down the road from a Victorian-era Fire Station, one of the busiest in the city, and little boys and big girls are often seen slack-jawed watching the endless comings and goings and washing of trucks and manly what-notting in the open driveway by rather fetching firemen.

  4. When I saw the heading I thought "this has got to be about fire engines". Not disappointed.

  5. Rachel: Ha, yes, p'rhaps the only Dennis to be relied upon in a crisis?

  6. One of my favourite childhood memories is of following the fire engine in our village. Once the siren sounded I would jump on my little red bike and follow the men to the fire. It was always the same Dennis vehicle, but not quite as old as the one you show.

  7. Cro: That must have made for a rather sweet picture, a sort of Pied Piper siren call for boys. Fire engine red bicycle to match, too boot.

  8. I hesitate to use the word 'cute', but that wee engine really is cute. :)


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Bats In The Belfry